Inard Training

Leadership Development
– Leadership Impact Development Programme
– HR For Non- HR Managers
– Intergrated Finance

Human Capital Building
Each leader needs to learn the importance of
Human Resources in the success of organizations as
organizations are only as successful as their teams are.

Women Advancement
– Creating a strategic planning platform for women in development on the continent
The training is not a one day event and does not end with a seminar but is followed up by personal mentoring and coaching allowing delegates to be fully developed. ITD has grown and diversified in the last 12 years and now includes four thriving departments. These are;
1. Leadership Development.
2.Human Capital Capacity Building
3.Women Advancement
4.Entrepreneurship Training & Capacity Building

This session provides an overview of how to brand yourself as a professional and how to package your brand to match your profession, your company’s brand and image. The importance of managing your image and character as a brand is emphasized. Grooming and etiquette are also taught as key ingredients to success in the corporate world. Perception is REAL therefore in this presentation the importance of how one dresses and manages their image is explored as a key to success.

Celebrating milestones achieved by gender in development initiatives on the continent. Recognizing female professionals who are spearheading development in Africa. Creating a skills resource Centre for female development professionals on the continent Rallying for support of gender oriented programmes and the development of female entrepreneurs and professionals.

Effective marketing is possible in customer centric organizations. This is reflected in their day to day operations and their Key Performance Indicators are also customer oriented. Marketing and sales move from a “campaign” driven process to an integral part of daily activities. This is made possible by exceptional customer service and an inherent customer retention strategy.
Each leader needs to learn the importance of Human Resources in the success of organizations as organizations are only as successful as their teams are
Personal Branding & Image Management
– Performance Excellence
– Report Writing Skills Profile
– Customers Service As a Lifestyle
– Integrated Organizational Management
Staff Development
Seamless Corporate Communications
Advanced Certificate in Events Management
Presentation Skills
Report Writing Skills Profile
Excellence In Administration Program
Functional Minute Taking Profile
– Effective Sales & Marketing
– Rainbow Services as a
Recognizing companies that have Corporate Social Investment programmes that better the lives of the African woman
Leadership Development
Each leader needs to learn the importance of Human Resources in the success of organizations. This session provides an overview of how to brand yourself as a professional and how to package your brand to match your profession, your company’s brand and image. The importance of managing your image and character as a brand is emphasized. Grooming and etiquette are also taught as key ingredients to success in the corporate world. Perception is REAL therefore in this presentation the importance of how one dresses and manages their image is explored as a key to success.
– Leadership Impact Development Program
– HR For Non- HR Managers
– Intergrated Finance- WOBI World Business Forum

Human Capital Capacity Building
The event seeks to bring together women involved in all sectors of development: infrastructure, social and community development. Celebrating milestones achieved by gender in development initiatives on the continent Recognizing female professionals who are spearheading development in Africa. Creating a skills resource Centre for female development professionals on the continent Rallying for support of gender oriented programmes and the development of female entrepreneurs and professionals
– Personal Branding & Image Management
– Performance Excellence
– Report Writing Skills Profile
– Customers Service As a Lifestyle
– Integrated Organizational Management DEVELOPMENT – Staff Development Profile
Seamless Corporate Communications
Advanced Certificate in Events Management
Presentation Skills
Report Writing Skills Profile
Excellence In Administration Program
Functional Minute Taking Prof

Women In Development
The event seeks to bring together women involved in all sectors of development: infrastructure, social and community development. Celebrating milestones achieved by gender in development initiatives on the continent Recognizing female professionals who are spearheading development in Africa Creating a skills resource center for female development professionals
on the continent Rallying for support of gender oriented programmes and the development of female entrepreneurs and professionals
Creating strategic alliances that ensure integration of gender development initiatives
– Creating a strategic planning platform for women in development on the continent
– Recognizing companies that have Corporate Social Investment programmes that better
the lives of the African woman

Entrepreneurship Training & Capacity Building.
African Entrepreneurial Context Entrepreneurs find themselves in a dilemma – big dreams, great vision, multifold opportunities but these remain as unrealized dreams. They cannot compete with the big companies and make meaningful contribution to the economy despite them having solutions that can transform economies.
Many tell of how they have many projects that they would like to do but just cannot seem to get right staff members, with the required business acumen to implement their strategies. So they hire from the heart, hoping to channel and pass on vision to those that believe in them – only to conclude that they would have made more money working alone are better off ‘parking’ the expansion of their projects until “some time in the future”.
We understand this dilemma and when we started business in 1997 we walked the same path. We have done business in Africa and currently work with companies in USA and UK that are launching their products on the continent – we know the story too well and understand any company is as good as its’ people. An experienced leadership team and a competent support staff team are both key to an organization remaining competitive.
Personalized and comprehensive training will help you grow your teams’ capacity. We also coach you and your team and use our cumulative experience to help you dodge the pitfalls that many entrepreneurs have fallen into, strangling their dreams and businesses.
– Business Idea Development cycle (how to develop your idea, research, business planning, pilot project and final launch)
– Shareholding, partnerships, joint ventures structuring and legal matters
– Setting up a board of directors
– Strategy development session
– Company profile write up
– Operations and administration systems planning
– Research
– Sales plan development
– Marketing, Advertising, Communications/ Public Relations – all Brand building etc

Get In Touch With Us
Zimbabwe: +263 719 272 271 /+263 772 272 271 South Africa: +27 82 070 9774
Senior Leaders from across all industries and across all company sizes
Leaders and executive teams looking for ideas and inspiration
All those who understand the value of knowledge and continuous learning